Drupal.org D7 team at DrupalCon

Come meet Drupal.org team in person at DrupalCon Portland!

We’re hard at work upgrading Drupal.org to Drupal 7. DrupalCon is a perfect opportunity for you to find out what is going on with the upgrade, give us feedback on the new issue page layout and, of course, help us in the issue queue.

Where to find us:

  • Weekend before DrupalCon - We are taking part in the extended sprints, come and help us close some issues
  • Tuesday, May 21, 4:30pm - We’re having a BoF, Drupal.org improvements and D7 upgrade (Room B112)
  • Wednesday, May 22 at 6pm - I’m presenting D7 upgrade report at the Drupal Association board meeting
  • Thursday, May 23, 10:15am-1:15pm - I’ll be at the Drupal Association booth in the Exhibit Hall’s Community Village
  • Friday, May 24 - We'll be closing more issues at the Contribution Sprint

Come and learn how you can help out with development, site building, or QA!

New membership directory

We improved our individual and organization membership directories. Information is now from your Drupal.org profile. If you are a member, please take a moment to search for your username to check what is listed. If you need to update, there are instructions at the top-right of the page. And thanks again for your support!

Making Drupal.org Awesome

One of my jobs is to help make Drupal.org awesome, along with the infrastructure team and community. Drupal.org works a lot like any large Drupal site, except for the people. Rather than a defined team, we have volunteers; and occasional partially funded efforts, like the Drupal.org redesign and Git migration.

How the Drupal.org home page map works

The map on the home page of Drupal.org is one of the most-noticed new features. It started with the prototype, which was just that— a Flash-based idea for what might go there. During implementation, we had to figure out what exactly it would be and how it would work.

First, we needed to know where people were. Drupal.org has the advantage of an audience who is more-likely to be using modern browsers, and we don’t need everyone’s location. I decided we should use the new Geolocation API, but didn’t find any existing modules. I wrote a small HTML5 user geolocation module to add a share location option to your profile page. For privacy, it is opt-in and rounded to the nearest 0.1 longitude/latitude. Over 5,000 have shared their location, less than 1% of active Drupal.org users, but still looks impressive on a map:

World map of Drupal.org users who have shared their location.

How the Drupal 7 announcement page was built

Screenshot of the linked page.The days before the Drupal 7 release were a scramble to organize a PR effort, including a new landing page and changes to the home page. Both are custom pages rendered by the drupalorg module, Drupal.org’s site-specific module. Site-specific modules need sites to work, and we were ready with infrastructure built during the Drupal.org redesign.
Screenshot of the linked page.The days before the Drupal 7 release were a scramble to organize a PR effort, including a new landing page and changes to the home page. Both are custom pages rendered by the drupalorg module, Drupal.org’s site-specific module. Site-specific modules need sites to work, and we were ready with infrastructure built during the Drupal.org redesign.

Drupal.org Marketplace

Screenshot of prototypeThe Drupal Association is constantly looking for ways to make Drupal.org more useful for the community. Currently we are working on a Drupal Marketplace which will allow Drupal Service providers to publish listings and categorize them.

Screenshot of prototypeThe Drupal Association is constantly looking for ways to make Drupal.org more useful for the community. Currently we are working on a Drupal Marketplace which will allow Drupal Service providers to publish listings and categorize them.

What’s next for Drupal.org

With the Drupal.org redesign launched, I’ve heard many ask, “what’s next?” We always do regular, incremental improvements through the infrastructure and webmasters projects. This will continue, with the new design as a foundation and deployment workflow improved by the redesign project.

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