
  • Financial Overview
  • Hiring someone for revenue
  • DrupalCon Paris
  • DrupalCon Copenhagen
  • Redesign and Git Migration
  • Finance Overview


Current state of Association

Finances Overview:

DrupalCon SF is tied down, most of liabilities have been paid, most receivables have been received. This leaves us with 520,000 USD in the bank account for DrupalCon Inc. This includes the profit from DrupalCon DC and DrupalCon SF. We have 210,000 Euros at Drupal VZW in Belgium, which is a total of 659,000 Euros as a net total of DrupalCon Inc and Drupal VZW. Available budget is 350,000 Euros without liabilities against it.

Questions Cary: How are we balancing our different currencies?

Jacob: Right now, our money is held in the currency that we are paid in.

The Vast majority of our revenue comes from DrupalCon and we need to diversify this by using things like advertising on hosting, etc.

DrupalCon Inc was created to give structure for North American Drupal Camps. Sponsors are paying DrupaCon Inc. and we set up credit cards for the leaders of the DrupalCamps. This is working better then giving out mass reimbursements.

Question Cary: Do we have a budget to cover our cost?

Jacob: We don't have a hard budget, but we are working out a model to outline our internal costs and fees involved with DrupalCon.

Hiring someone for Revenue


We have raised money though tickets, advertising, memberships, book partnerships, etc... We are finally at the point where we can hire someone to coordinate revenue. I would like to see my role move up to a Board level role and work on strategy and vision and over-seeing staff.


Cary: Are we hiring a director of development to raise money?

Kieren: Its actually a lower level position than that, someone to update ads on Drupal, etc.

DrupaCon Paris

There are two liabilities, unpaid bills that need to be paid to the University remaining from DrupalCon Paris.  The local teams haven't done anything about this debt. Now they should be paid soon. We have to be prepared to either say we are not liable for these debts, which we technically are not, or to avoid PR problems and pay the debts.

Discussion followed, no immediate consensus was made.

DrupaCon Copenhagen update

Cary and Isabel are working really hard.

  • We have just over 285 tickets sold
  • sponsorships are starting to be sold.
  • 88,000 dollars in

Cary: Im working on social networking, spreading the word. Also working on getting some Swag out there.

Jacob: Advertising is really big, we need more advertising, tweet about it, blog about it.

Redesign and GIT migration

We have accepted a number of different applications There are 5 contracted positions. Selections have been made and contracts should be signed by the end of next week.